By Evan Ackerman

Did you plunk down $560,000 for a solid gold Zeus computer? If so, you won’t even notice the $214.21 it’ll cost you to get one of these hand made, gold covered keyboards. If bling isn’t your thing, you can also get a handmade keyboard in flowery pinkish, flowery yellowish, reddish with weird bunny-things on it, and green with squiggly white lines all over it. I’m not entirely sure what “hand made” entails, but they do look purty, even if that is one of the fattest enter keys I’ve ever seen.

[ GeekStuff4U ]


  1. Oh my God, these hurt my eyes. Especially the green with squigglies one. Would any sane person use something like this?

    As for the golden one, that’s bound to sell to some rich dude who has a state of the art computer he never uses. Can you brag to your friends that you have a gold keyboard? Well he can.