home_img.jpgBy Ryan Nill

Yöghund is organic frozen yogurt for dogs. Yes, for your dogs. Yöghund is completely organic, and made from a mixture of organic yogurt, banana, peanuts and spring water. Most importantly is that dogs seem to love it, attacking it with ferocious lickings.

Yöghund is available online and at selected retailers. For $5.99 you can net four servings/cups.

[ Yoghund ] VIA [ Cool Hunting ]


  1. As weird as this sounds, we already have a product in the US like this.
    Frosty Paws is a frozen ice cream treat for dogs. At first, I thought it was silly. Then I bought some.
    This stuff is like crack for my dog. He absolutely loves it. I recommend it to every dog owner I know.