Really, how much commentary is necessary here? You’re looking at an iPhone case that doubles as a cup holder. Just insert your Starbucks liquid crack in there, and text away without having to find another place to put your drink down on. Is it necessary? No. Is it useful? Marginally. Is it cool? No comment. Will you even be able to hold your phone properly, with the weight of the coffee pulling it forward? The physics department is still in discussions.

We’ll tell you this: it’s $25 for the iPhone 4/4S and $5 more for the iPhone 5. And it might not even come to market, unless the IndieGogo campaign reaches $25,000, which it’s very, very far from at the moment.

Will people buy this in droves just because of the novelty, and the ability to walk around looking like a tool? Or will we just snicker a little, tell our roommates “hey, check this out!” and move on?

[ Product Page ] VIA [ BitRebels ]