Zombie Ted

Shows and movies like The Walking Dead and Zombieland have pushed the zombie trend into a more prominent position in pop culture. As a result, we’ve got more people dressing up as zombies during Halloween and we’re all seeing a lot more things that are getting the undead treatment–the most recent one being a bunch of what used to be cuddly and adorable teddy bears.

These bears, aptly called UndeadTeds, are the handiwork of UK artist Phillip Blackman. He created a whole line of these zombified teddy bears which are now, unsurprisingly, all sold out. He’s hard at work on a new set of gory bears, so it shouldn’t be long before he has new ones up for sale on his Etsy shop.

You can hit the break to see what you missed–but if you grew up loving teddy bears and cuddling them when you were little, I suggest you look elsewhere, because undead teddies are not a pretty sight.

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

Zombie Ted

VIA [ BoingBoing ]