By David Ponce

People are forgetful. It’s just a reality of life. And now, you have an opportunity to profit from this. UnclaimedBaggage is a website dedicated to listing and selling the mountains of items nervous travellers forget and never claim. The company simply purchases this stuff and catalogues it on the site, at incredibly low prices.

For instance, $200 Brookstone SoundShield Noise Cancelling Headphones for $75. Or a Palm Tungsten W for $125.

It’s a little like the Salvation Army. You never really know what’s going to pop up, and it’s sort of fun.

[Unclaimed Baggage] VIA [Gadgetmadness]


  1. I live within close enough driving distance to make the occasional trek to the place. The web site can’t possibly approach the ‘garage sale meets Godzilla’ actuality. The thing that fascinated me most was the sheer volume of PDAs, etc. with Korean and Japanese interfaces, sitting there dirt cheap in the hope that someone would just happen to be in rural Alabama and need such an item.

    Don’t forget to visit the “what is it?” section of the site.