Track Vac Robotic Vacuum (Image courtesy Hollywood Gadgets)By Andrew Liszewski

You know what’s funner than watching a Roomba roam around your house as it cleans? Pretty much anything so I think this is a much needed upgrade to the robot vac concept. The Track Vac includes an RF remote which allows it to be manually controlled with “accurate steering capability” says the website.

It of course can also function just like a standard robo-vac does with 5 pre-programmed vacuuming patterns and a low profile design that allows it to slip under most furniture. But with its official NASCAR graphics and ‘Pit Road’ charging station you know you’re in for some real fun when the housework is complete. It even plays unique NASCAR themed sound effects on start-up and when the battery needs recharging. Now all I need is a Forumla 1 themed mop to go with it.

The Track Vac is available at Hollywood Gadgets for $279.99.

[ Track Vac Robotic Vacuum ]