Roomba V. Ant

By Evan Ackerman

On BotJunkie this week, we started things off with a video of a robotic chair that you control by pointing where you want it to go, heard with a raised eyebrow or two that WowWee’s Robosapien is going to be starring in a feature film, started caring about car racing when we learned that there’s going to be an unmanned event at this year’s Toyota Grand Prix featuring winners of the DARPA Urban Challenge, acquiesced to the demands of NASA’s Dextre robot that it now be referred to as “Dextre the Magnificent,” saw an impressive demonstration of Nexi, a robot from the MIT Media Lab who’s mobile and dexterous and social, were impressed by the drawing skills of hexapod robot from Micromagic Systems, totally trumped Andrew by posting a YouTube video of Daisy, the giant robotic propeller of death, and found out that your Roomba may be just the thing you need to get rid of your ant infestation.

[ BotJunkie ]