By David Ponce

Allright. Graffiti artists and people with funky fashion senses worldwide rejoice. Someone’s gone out and made these very striking hooded sweatshirts. By someone, I think I mean french brand Anticon, but seeing as I can’t find their site, or any more information aside of this fine picture, it really could be anyone.

If we’re to believe Yvan from The Cool Hunter, these things are only going to be released in a few more weeks.

No price, no site, no nothing. Just enjoy the picture.

Update: Ah, there we go. Anticon’s site, replete with extra pictures. I love it; very ghetto.


  1. […] Let me tell you something, there are some weird people making some very special designs these days, especially in the field of jackets. First there’s Anticon and now, Puma with this, the “x Vexed Cycling Jacket”. They are meant as a cycling jacket for the urban rider with reflective piping and a strap you can button underneath to keep you dry when riding in the rain. […]