How many times have you gone out to spend the weekend in the Poconos with some family and wondered if your Border Collie, Tyrion, was lonely? For years, you’d have to have to spend the entire vacation worrying whether your furry friend would even remember you by the time you got back.

Well worry no longer, because PetChatz is a wall mounted video calling solution for people to keep in touch with their pets. The device uses an app which connects with your smartphone and allows you to place video calls to it from any in the world. It can even dispense little treats at the touch of a button.

The device also comes with a host of modern features, such as recording for later playback, a microphone and speaker for further communication, and can even be linked to stream DogTV, a video channel service for dogs. But be aware that by picking one of these up, you have to accept having your friends see you as that person. You know, the one with the mini TV/phone for their dog.

It’s $379, which is a small price to pay for anyone who loves their pets enough to video chat with them, though at that price it might just be cheaper to buy them an iPhone. Not a new one of course, but at least a refurbished 5S, Tyrion’s worth that much.

[ Amazon ]