Nagtags (Image courtesy Nagtags)By Andrew Liszewski

Nagtags work on the same principle of sewing a kids mittens to the sleeve of their coat, to ensure they’ll never be forgotten. But instead of being made of wool, the Nagtags are actually small, electronic to-do lists that should help reduce the number of things your kids forget to do or pack.

The Nagtag currently comes in two versions, a School and Sport model that each have custom lists of items to remember. For example, the School Nagtag includes options for everything from pens and binder paper to lunches and text books. The Sports Nagtag however includes lists for pretty much every sport your kid could be involved with, and covers everything from equipment to deodorant. And let’s be honest, while the Nagtag website seems to be targeting kids as their prime demographic, it’s not like your memory becomes 100% foolproof as you get older. So the Nagtags can be programmed with custom items allowing anyone to use them.

Both versions of the Nagtag are available on the company’s website for $19.99 each, though the School version seems to be sold out at the moment. (Seems like somebody forgot to restock I guess.)

[ Nagtags ]


  1. Both my son and I have inattentive ADD and this would be perfect for us to help him be more independent in middle school if only they would re-stock! 🙂

  2. Both my son and I have inattentive ADD and this would be perfect for us to help him be more independent in middle school if only they would re-stock! 🙂