
Imagine for a second a special kind of paint, one that you can spray anywhere like, you know, regular paint. Except this particular one lights up on command! Yes, LumiLor paint from Darkside Scientific is pretty much a liquid spray-on LED. Seriously. Any surface sprayed with this stuff, and connected properly, can be lit instantly, in colours of your choosing!

The patented LumiLorâ„¢ Electroluminescent Coating System system is a practical and durable electroluminescent coating technology that goes on like paint, but will illuminate when energized with an electrical current.

LumiLorâ„¢ has been successfully applied to metals (primed first to insulate them electrically), numerous types of thermoplastic, wood, glass and even carbon fiber. LumiLor has been applied to compound curves and complex shapes of many sizes and is flexible to nearly a full 180 degree bend.

Envision the applications, from custom paint jobs on vehicles or homes, to improved safety on runways. Tron even comes to mind!

The thing is, you can’t apply this at home, really. It requires a specialized environment and expensive equipment. But the product is currently being bought by an increasing number of car-customization outlets, which do offer this among their various capabilities, although we don’t know the price range. And Darkside Scientific is currently looking to partner up with OEM manufacturers, in order to offer this as an option in future vehicles.

We seriously wish them the best of luck with that, it would be awesome to see this get big!