By Evan Ackerman

Last week on BotJunkie, we met a Roomba robotic vacuum knockoff purported to have “anti-aircraft fire performance,” saw a robot taking orders from a touch sensitive control pad projected onto the floor, watched a student built vacuum bot that sticks to glass sucking dirt off windows, got irked at some ABB industrial robots who are busy stealing my job, were happy to see that the Micromagic Hexapod Kit is now on sale, got totally turned off by some pole dancing robots, got totally turned on by an experiment that fools you into thinking you have the body of someone else, were impressed (and a little scared) now that the Ripsaw UGV has a gun on it, and giggled a little bit over a remote control airplane rigged to drop water balloons on hapless suburban neighborhoods. We’ve already started this week off with dancing robots, gutter robots, and gaze-controlled robots, so come check us out.

[ BotJunkie ]