
By Evan Ackerman

Last week on BotJunkie, we started out on a bit of a sour note listening to some robots figuring out how to sing, watched some industrial robots pick things up and put things down very very fast, read about a concept robot that prints on your walls, were incredibly impressed by a simple robot that climbs stairs, pondered what we’d stash away in a customized robot pouch, watched a humanoid robot transform into a car, fled in terror from an i-SOBOT riding on a steam tank, admired some awesome Japanese retro robots from the 1960s, checked out some new iBotz beginner robotics kits, felt a little better now that there’s a whiskery robot rescue rat on patrol, felt a little worse now that DARPA has a UAV that looks like a hummingbird, decided that $7000 is probably too much to ask for a little robot car, decided that $70 is not too much to ask for a little robot car, and finished out the week with a bizarre movie trailer for “RoboGeisha” and a nifty robot HTML t-shirt.

So far this week, we’ve posted about a robot that transforms into a motorcycle, an uncanny picture of a robot and a human, a robot that delivers customized ramen noodle soup, and the smallest wheeled robot with a gripper in the world.

Bot with stuff (post 4th of July edition), after the jump.


[ BotJunkie ]