
Oh let’s face it, it’s never easy to admit you’ve been on the shelf, gathering dust, for the last couple of years. Maybe you liked the idea of curling up with your four cats on a Friday night while watching Frazier reruns at one point, but that’s gotten old fast. And while you may have a bit of trouble actually doing something about it, Invisible Girlfriend and Invisible Boyfriend hopes to make it easier for you to at least give the appearance of being shacked up. The service will provide you with all the evidence you need to successfully fake having an SO, by providing you everything from pictures, to a credible backstory, to an automated SMS companion and possibly at one point a social media profile you can “be in a relationship with” (provided of course this doesn’t violate any TOS, which seems unlikely). But yes, you read that right, you can text your fake boy(girl)friend, and they’ll answer right back!

Right now the company is in a private beta, and you’ll have to apply to join. Once in (and don’t ask us how tight the admission is, because we don’t know), you’ll be all set to create your virtual boyfriend/girlfriend.

[ Invisible Girlfriend ] AND [ Invisible Boyfriend ] VIA [ LaughingSquid ]