Google Glass - Applied Street Usage

Google Glass isn’t even really available to consumers yet (unless you’re a developer with a great idea and $1,500 burning a hole in your pocket), but it hasn’t stopped creative minds with fertile imaginations to conjure up potential uses. In the hilarious video below, we see how the futuristic glasses could help you out during a date. From allowing you to Google them on the fly to give you a leg up on their likes and dislikes, to providing you with entertainment as they drift off into boring talk of politics, the glasses are there to save the day.

Granted the imagined uses are very far off from how the device actually works, but the fact that videos like this are cropping up now show that if Google Glass takes off, there’s going to be an adjustment period where people have to figure out just how to act and react to their presence in civilized society. Already some bars are talking about banning them, while some lawmakers in Wrest Virginia are proposing legislation prohibiting their use while driving. There’s a long road ahead for the search giant’s latest project, and it’s going to be interesting to see if this turns into a Gmail-like success, or a Google Wave-like failure.

In the meantime, why not watch the video? It’s pretty funny.

VIA [ Coolpile ]