High-Speed Atomic Blast Photography (Images courtesy OddPeak.com)
By Andrew Liszewski

The atomic bomb can probably be considered one of the greatest ‘gadgets’ of all time and while we’ve all seen movies and pictures of the ominous mushroom cloud I doubt many of us have seen photos of the blast like these.

Harold Edgerton built a special lens 10 feet long for his camera which was set up in a bunker 7 miles from the source of the blast which was triggered Nevada – the bomb placed atop a steel gantry anchored to the desert floor by guide wires. The exposures are at 1/100,000,000ths of a second.

There are some slightly larger versions of these photos (with descriptions) on OddPeak.com and another shot taken slightly earlier than the above two. If anyone knows where I can find larger versions of these photos please post a link in the comments.

Thanks to Joe who submitted this link to some slightly larger versions.

[Amazing Photos of an Atomic Blast (taken at 1/1000,000,000 of-a-second) @ OddPeak.com]


  1. According to the second link, the images were taken at 1/10,000’th of a second (100us, AKA 1/10th of a ms), not a nanosecond which AFAIK was not possible back in Edgerton’s day. 100us is probably the right number.

  2. Although the pictures are aesthetically appealing, I’d rather not have the atomic bomb be called one of the greatest gadgets.
    I think I’ve somewhere seen a book published with similar pictures.