Happiness Blanket


Love the food being served during your flight? Annoyed at how the front passenger’s reclined seat invades your personal space? Whatever it is you’re feeling, these Happiness Blankets will let British Airways’ people know in the hopes of providing better service to every passenger that comes on board.

The Happiness Blankets are hooked up to a headband made by MyndPlay that measures its wearer’s brainwaves, which are then monitored for changes that indicate anxiety or relaxation. The fiber optics woven into the blanket then turn blue when the passenger is relaxed, and red if they’re stressed, providing flight attendants with a visual cue on the current state of the passengers. They’ve been tested on first-class passengers so far, yielding results that were quite obvious. Maybe they should spread these blankets around to those in economy and work on reducing whatever it is that’s making people see red in that seat class, don’t you think?

VIA [ Damn Geeky ]