Allright, so this is at least 6 days old and has already been covered by Peter Rojas, Mr. Neversleep-Engadget-Man. Forgive me all. I still think these babies need coverage here though, pretty as they are.

Not a whole lot to explain though. They’re LCD screens shaped into all sorts of things. Apples, carriages… even sheep. They’ll be sold by company Hannspree, at prices ranging from $450 to $1400 in the stores they plan to open in Beverly Hill and San Francisco.

I personally found this story here at LiveDigitally. You can read the original news article here.


  1. Shameless Plug…

    Occasionally I love to do this. While taking a break from blogging, I googled the web for products I designed just to see where they ended up! Do take a look at my Hannspree Starlight LCD TV. Apprently it has been given rave reviews.

    Oh my please …