Hallmark Adhesive Gift Wrap (Image courtesy Hallmark)By Andrew Liszewski

If you hand someone a gift wrapped in newspaper and twine, they’re going to figure out you picked it up at the gas station 10 minutes before you got to their house. But if you hand someone the same gift that looks like it was wrapped by Martha Stewart, they’ll cherish that deodorizing air freshener until the day they die. But since very few of us have Martha’s skills (or dedicated army of gift wrappers) Hallmark has made things a bit easier by introducing adhesive gift wrap.

The underside of the wrapping paper is covered with a low-tack adhesive which is probably similar to what Post-It Notes use. So if you can leave a note telling your co-worker to stop stealing your lunch, you can wrap a gift like a professional. The sticky side also makes it a lot easier to wrap non-box shaped items like bowling balls, golf clubs or even puppies. And while I think it’s a clever idea, it’s still not as fast as my own wrapping system which involves a can of spray paint and a well ventilated room.

The adhesive gift wrap will be available exclusively from Hallmark for about $5 a roll.

[ Hallmark Adhesive Gift Wrap ] VIA [ Gizmag ]


  1. “And while I think it’s a clever idea, it’s still not as fast as my own wrapping system which involves a can of spray paint and a well ventilated room”
    this is why I love this blog – thanks for the laugh