
By Chris Scott Barr

Wow, three Palm Pre stories in one week, whatever will my iPhone buddies think? Well if you’re looking to get your hands on a Pre when it debuts next month, you’ll probably be happy that I’ve been keeping you updated on the latest news. What new info do have that will assist you in getting ahold of your own Pre? Lets just say that if you plan on going to Best Buy or RadioShack to get your fix, you’d better get there really freaking early. Best Buy will be getting 4 per store, while RadioShack will only have 2. Suddenly I’m having flashbacks to Nintendo’s launch of the Wii.

[ Sprint ] VIA [ UberGizmo ]


  1. I sell cell phones for a living, and I really don't get the hype over the Pre. What does the Pre have that you cannot find on another phone on the market? It really feels as if Palm has paid media outlets, both in television and the web, to run an aggressive marketing campaign for them…

  2. I sell cell phones for a living, and I really don't get the hype over the Pre. What does the Pre have that you cannot find on another phone on the market? It really feels as if Palm has paid media outlets, both in television and the web, to run an aggressive marketing campaign for them…