Nintendo Wii Fit (Image property of OhGizmo!)
By Andrew Liszewski

For some reason my local mall also happens to be a major tourist attraction, so it’s unfortunately always crowded with out-of-towners who have apparently never seen things like an indoor fountain. On the plus side, the large volume of people traffic means there’s always some kind of over-the-top marketing promotion going on.

This week Nintendo was in town showing off their new Wii Fit peripheral. Now I’m a fan of the Wii, and there have been a few games that have really used the Wiimote controller in new and interesting ways, but I’m kind of undecided on Wii Fit. As a balance board that can be used with skateboard or skiing games it has promise, but at one point someone was using a demo kiosk to do pushups. Did we lose a war or something? How did pushups manage to squeeze their way onto my gaming console? I’m all for innovation, but there’s no high score or secret level that’s worth a round of pushups. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to spend the next 20 minutes struggling to get up off the couch.


  1. amen brother. haha jk, i think the wii fit has some promising things about it, i mean it gives a gamer a chance to move, and its nintendo’s way of marketing to the people who think video games only exercise your thumbs. This program in my eyes is like personal trainer in your home helping you stay in shape. I give it a thumbs up, but one thing is… i mean with new products for the wii, wouldn’t that just mean more demand and i don’t know how it is your all yours home towns but here its rare chance getting your hands on a wii.