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Have you ever just wanted to head out to the airport, and spontaneously buy a ticket to some relaxing destination with no prior planning? We sure have… Yet for most of us, our tickets are always booked in advance and our trips are planned quite efficiently. Looking to change all that (for some, at least), Heineken, in partnership with Wieden & Kennedy New York, has decided to challenge travellers at the airport to break through their comfort zone. Basically they set up boards, as seen above, in buzzing airport terminals like JFK and challenged travellers to take part in “departure roulette” where a simple hit of the button changes your destination to a random exotic location; obviously, you have no say in what it could be.

Lets say you are headed from JFK to LAX with family for a long planned trip, you get pressured at the airport and you press the button… BOOM (well not “boom”, since it’s an airport and the TSA doesn’t have a sense of humour): new destination, St-Tropez on your own! Last Tuesday someone actually played and ended up going to Cyprus instead of Vienna with their family. They also received a $2,000 bonus from Heineken to cover expenses and got a hotel for 2 nights.

So… what we understand from this is you have to be at the airport and already have a ticket to an initial destination, which in most cases you have taken time out to plan and organize, and if you are spontaneous enough you have the chance to drop all those plans, change everything and head off somewhere you have no say in. Personally I’d pass but I’d love to see more people try it out.

VIA [ Creativity Online ]