Drive-e-mocion (Image courtesy AU-MY)By Andrew Liszewski

Using the middle finger while driving implies a pretty specific emotion to others on the road. There’s really no middle ground there when you flip the bird, you’re angry – end of story. If you’d prefer to be a bit more specific when conveying your emotions to other drivers just stick one of these Drive-e-mocion (just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?) to your back window.

Using the supplied wireless remote you can trigger a series of different messages based on your mood. Sometimes a simple ‘Thanks’ or even a smiley/frowny face is more than enough to get your point across. At other times a stern ‘Back Off’ might be more appropriate.

While I’m sure the inventor of the Drive-e-mocion had nothing but good intentions for this device I personally can’t see flashing a ‘Back Off’ message to another driver being taken all that well.

The Drive-e-mocion is available from for ?11 but at the moment is out of stock as they appear to be replacing this model with an upgraded version.

[Drive-e-mocion] VIA [Coolest-Gadgets]


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