Dyslexia Font

It’s not easy being dyslexic. Unfortunately, one in every ten people have dyslexia. Aside from having it rough trying to read traditional print material like books and newspapers, dyslexics also often have a hard time processing web pages because most of the content are usually text-based.

So Aberlardo Gonzalez decided to do something about it: he created a free font called OpenDyslexic which thickens the bottom part of most letters, which reduces a symptom that rotates the images that a person with dyslexia is looking at. As Gonzalez puts it, no good deed goes unpunished as he was threatened with a cease and desist letter from fontmaker Christian Boer, who accused the former of copying a commercial dyslexic-targeted font he had created a couple of years back.

Gonzalez pushed forward though and is still offering his font for free, which has been his work in progress for over a year now. You can get the font here.

VIA [ Dvice ]


  1. While so many stories are written and fall into the hole. This one has changed the life of my wife. She has dyslexia and after seeing this and reading something with ease for the first time in her life she cried (a lot). Thank you!!!!!!!!!