
Standing around waiting for your bag at the arrivals carousel is never fun; I travel with a carry-on only whenever possible. But the CalypsoTag promises to ease that pain a little. It’s a distinctive leather tag that you attach to your luggage for easier identification among a throng of other potentially similar bags. But that’s not all: its Bluetooth 4.0 chip will connect to your phone as soon as it’s in range, notifying you that it’s about to arrive. This means you don’t need to stand in the crowd, craning your neck looking for your bag. Simply sit and wait to be notified, and only then stand up to retrieve your bag. Better yet, you’ll receive yet another alert if it appears that someone may be stealing your bag.

At $99 and coming in 4 different styles, it’s a smart and relatively cheap way to make your life easier when traveling.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]