By Luke Anderson

Have you ever been kept up at night because your bedroom is too warm? I’ve always thought that it was better to have it cold than warm at night. My logic is simple; there are only so many clothes that can be taken off, however, there’s no limit to the amount of blankets you can toss on a bed. That’s why I’d love to get my hands on a BedFan

This strange little device simply sucks air from under your bed and blasts it between your sheets. Provided that you don’t have too many covers stacked on top of yourself, it should keep a steady breeze on you throughout the night. It’ll set you back $100 bucks, however, anything that helps me sleep better at night is well worth it.

[ FirstStreet VIA [ CrunchGear ]


  1. I would not eat any beans if I used this device. If you look at the airflow indicators you can see exactly where the ‘aroma’ would flow.