By David Ponce

It’s been long enough since we launched our BuckyBalls Giveaway, and 233 comments later, we have our three winners. First up, BigDanHall, who has a vasectomy coming up in two weeks. Ouch, we feel your pain!

Then there’s Hubbles, who pasted an ASCII image of Obama. Relevance to this contest? None, of course. But it was fun to get the first ever ASCII Obama comment on OhGizmo.

Finally, JoelCampbell who refered to me as “General Secretary of OhGizmo”. Kind of has a nice ring to it.

But here’s the twist. I’m giving away two more sets to our two most loyal commenters on the site: “McMan and Blairf Felgenheimer”. If it wasn’t for you two guys, the site would be a whole lot quieter. Yes, there are other loyal commenters, and I want to thank you. These two are something else though. In the coming weeks we’re going to be ramping up our efforts to get more of our 14,000 daily visitors and our 17,000 RSS subscribers to actually engage in conversation, so stay tuned.


  1. Just when my tiara was getting dusty .. they pull me back in. I had a speech written on a small folded up piece of paper but Amy Winehouse found it, licked it, and now its unreadable so I will keep it short .. Thanks for everything .. and I cant wait to play with my balls. [ and yes Ive waited 20 years to say that and actually have it mean something else.]

  2. Wow, now I feel like a complete jerk for all those insults I bandied about. Well, maybe not a complete jerk….how about a semi jerk? Or, jerk in training? How about this one: The jerk that gets coffee for the Master and Commander Jerk? Guess who that is…blairf

    All these years I've heard the squeaky wheel gets the grease, now I believe it's true. Squeak, squeak, squeak.

  3. Just when my tiara was getting dusty .. they pull me back in. I had a speech written on a small folded up piece of paper but Amy Winehouse found it, licked it, and now its unreadable so I will keep it short .. Thanks for everything .. and I cant wait to play with my balls. [ and yes Ive waited 20 years to say that and actually have it mean something else.]

  4. Wow, now I feel like a complete jerk for all those insults I bandied about. Well, maybe not a complete jerk….how about a semi jerk? Or, jerk in training? How about this one: The jerk that gets coffee for the Master and Commander Jerk? Guess who that is…blairf

    All these years I've heard the squeaky wheel gets the grease, now I believe it's true. Squeak, squeak, squeak.