staplless stapler

By David Ponce

It’s amazing just how much more things make sense when you have a video. This is not new tech, by any means. But, if you ask me, it should be.

The Lihit Number 5 stapler, made by Japanese company Lihit Industrial around 1986, does not use staples at all. Instead, it cuts and tucks a little flap of paper.

Fun stuff, eh? Come inside and check out the video.

VIA [TechEBlog]


  1. yeah, this is an old idea, still really nice.

    to get one just search for ‘stapler without staples’ – they sell for about 10 bucks.
    (these small ones can only bind ~4 papers)

    you may find bigger similar devices on your local copy shop.

  2. Grapadora sin grapas…

    Parece contradictorio, pero es que efectivamente esta grapadora, la Lihit Number 5, no usa grapas sino que corta y dobla el papel. Un video vale m?s que mil palabras…….

  3. La grapadora que funciona sin grapas…

    Uno de esos objetos que no faltan en ninguna oficina es la grapadora, y las buenas no son para nada baratas. Aunque parece ser que ya exist?an desde hace un tiempo, yo acabo de enterarme de la existencia de una grapadora que funciona sin grapas. Su f…