Let’s get the moral aspect out of the way first: we’re not big fans of killing for sport. We’re not going to turn this into a debate on the topic, but we’re only covering the TrackingPoint XS1 because, frankly, that’s some impressive tech. What is it? It’s a rifle that takes so much guesswork out of aiming, a child could do it. Not that a child should, but we’re just sayin’. The company calls it a PGF, a precision guided firearm. And this is how it works:

To shoot at something, you first “mark” it using a button near the trigger. Marking a target illuminates it with the tracking scope’s built-in laser, and the target gains a pip in the scope’s display. When a target is marked, the tracking scope takes into account the range of the target, the ambient temperature and humidity, the age of the barrel, and a whole boatload of other parameters. It quickly reorients the display so the crosshairs in the center accurately show where the round will go.

The shooting mechanism is also different than a regular gun. Once you’ve pulled the trigger, the shot won’t go off until you line up the reticle with the previously set pip; at the precise moment they’re lined up, the bullet leaves. This eliminates a lot of the shakes associated with pulling the trigger and dramatically increases accuracy. But you can also change your mind and take the finger off the trigger altogether, and cancel your shot.

Hit the jump for a promotional video with a few seconds of the mechanism in action, as well as links.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Ars Technica ]