So that’s it guys. This is how we’re going to fund a professional, top-notch redesign of OhGizmo: with the $100,000 Banner.

What’s the idea? Well, let’s just say I was inspired by Alex Tew, of Million Dollar Homepage fame. He is selling adspace on his site, $1 per pixel in 100px blocks. He’s made over $140,000 so far and I’m sure he’ll make his million.

While there already are other cheap copycats around (making money as well!), I’ve at least made an effort to modify his idea a little. In fact, I think I’ve modified it enough to make it better!

See, while his site is getting tons of traffic now, as soon as the novelty aspect wears off, people will stop visiting, whereas here I’m already getting a decent amount of traffic (traffic that doesn’t depend on any gimmick). So it stands to reason that my sponsors’ investments will gain value over time, as opposed to lose.

Yes, yes… you can turn blue and tell me that I’m a unoriginal twit. That’s fine, I can live with that. Just ask yourself though, for fun: what’s originality? Is there really such a thing? Aren’t other people’s ideas the building blocks of all thought? Isn’t our entire system of thought predicated on an empirical paradigm by which other people’s achievements are integrated into the next guy’s “creation”. Could we have cars without someone first inventing the wheel?

So this is what I believe I’m doing. I’m turning one guy’s truly remarkable idea into an economically viable advertising model. I’m taking his idea, and upgrading it.

Down with the old, stale banners!

In with the new, “per-pixel” ads.

And with that, fellas, why don’t you order some pixels?


  1. The $50,000 Sponsor Box

    This is your chance of sponsoring Fosfor Gadgets! Hehe, I don’t expect to sell all of my pixels, but I think it’s a really cool idea that the Milliondollarhomepage and The $100,000 Banner is doing. So, now it’s your chance of owning…

  2. Hi there AmericanGirl, I guess, from your question, that I’ve not been entirely clear about this thing.

    The pixels are already there. Look at the top of the page. The very top. There’s a banner there. And there are two little pictures. Hover your mouse over them. Or click on them. That’s the ads! One is 200px (20px by 10px), the other, bigger one, is 600px (30px by 20px).

    They’ll be there for a year each, and they show up on every page of the site.